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July 2022

  • Elizabeth's paper was just accepted in Polymer Chemistry!! Check it out here.

  • Congrats to the newly minted Dr. Elizabeth O'Connell and Dr. Xinyi Wang for successfully defending their dissertations!!!

  • BL presented our research on redox-switchable ring-opening polymerization catalysts at the MACRO 2022 - The 49th World Polymer Congress in Winnipeg, Canada!!

  • The Long Group's collaborative proposal that was led by Prof Mike Kilbey was funded by the National Science Foundation to study purine containing, conjugated polymers. We are so grateful for this support from NSF CHE!!!

May 2022

  • Congrats to the newly minted Dr. Justin Burroughs for successfully defending his dissertation.

  • Nick L. Presented his research at the University's EUREKA poster competition!!

  • Congratulations to Xinyi for winning a departmental award in recognition of her research accomplishments.

April 2022

  • Congrats to our current undergrad researcher Nick Legaux and former NSF REU undergrad researcher Savannah Rheingold who will be attending UNC Chapel Hill and Brown University, respectively, for their graduate studies. We are so proud of each of you!!

  • The Long Research Group received funding from the National Science Foundation to support our work in the development of advanced olefin polymerization methodologies. Thank you to NSF CHE for your generous support!!!!

  • Congrats to current grad students Xinyi Wang and Justin Burroughs for each receiving 2022 UTK Graduate Student Senate awards for excellence in graduate research!!

March 2022

  • Congrats to Cameron who has received a UTK Summer Graduate Research Assistantship grant to support his work in the development of polymeric materials for non-detergent based protein extraction.

February 2022

  • Congrats to Xinyi, Trevor, former group members Chris and Savannah, and our collaborators in the Vogiatzis group!! Our article on the development of fluorinated gas separation membranes for natural gas purification was recently accepted for publication in ACS Applied Polymer Materials.

  • Congrats to Brian Jacobs who has accepted a position at Promerus LLC. We wish you all the best in your new career!!!!

  • BL has been named to the Editorial Advisory Board of Macromolecules, the ACS's premier polymer focused journal.

January 2022

  • The Long Research Group received a 2022 UT Research Foundation Maturation Grant to support our work in the development of polymeric materials for non-detergent based protein extraction. Thank you for your generous support!!!!

December 2021

  • Congrats to Alicia, Justin, and our collaborators!! Our article on using redox potential as an indicator of polyethylene branching when using Ni catalysts was recently accepted for publication in ACS Catalysis.

  • Christy Witcher has joined the Long Research Group as a first year Grad student. Welcome Christy!

September 2021

  • Congrats to Xinyi, Christopher, and our collaborators!! Our article on melt processable, substituted, addition-type polynorbornenes was recently accepted for publication in Polymer Chemistry.

  • Xinyi attended the 2021 North American Membrane Society Meeting in Estes Park, CO. She presented a talk and a poster. Great work Xinyi!

August 2021

  • The Long Group just received a grant from Chevron Philips Chemical Company. Stay tuned for exciting results! Thank you to Chevron Phillips Chemicals Co. for supporting our research.

May 2021

  • Congrats to Cameron and our collaborators!! Our article on membrane protein extraction using functionalized polymers was accepted in Biomacromolecules.

  • Welcome to undergraduate Savannah Rheingold who joined the Long Research group this summer as part of our departmental NSF REU program.

  • Congrats to Long Group undergrad Nick Legaux who has won the Department of Chemistry's C.A. Buehler Scholarship.

April 2021

  • Alicia has successfully defended her PhD dissertation. Congrats Dr. Doerr!!! She has also accepted a position with Capital Resin Corporation. 

  • BL, Xinyi, Alicia, and Justin all gave presentations at the Spring 2021 National ACS Meeting.

March 2021

  • Congrats to Long and Bruce group undergrad researcher BJ Cawthon who placed 1st in the UG Research Poster Competition within the Chemistry category at the 18th Annual Virtual TLSAMP Research Conference.

  • The Long and Dadmun Groups just received a joint grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF DMR) to investigate cocrystalization and compatibilization of polymer blends. The grant start date is August 2021, so stay tuned for exciting results! Thank you NSF DMR for supporting our research!!!

February 2021

  • Congrats to Alicia and our collaborative team led by Prof. Tim Hanusa of Vanderbilt University! Our second collaborative paper was just accepted for publication in Chemistry - A European Journal.

January 2021

December 2020

  • Congrats to Alicia, Justin and our collaborators in the Boydston Group (UW Madison)! Our review paper was accepted for publication in ACS Catalysis.


August 2020

  • Congrats to Justin and our collaborative team led by Prof. Johnathan Brantley (Brantley Group)! Our collaborative paper was just accepted for publication in the journal Polymer Chemistry.

  • Congrats to Chris and our collaborators at Aramco Services, our paper was just accepted for publication in Journal of Membrane Science!

July 2020

  • Congrats to Long Group undergrad, Nick Legaux, who was recently awarded the UTK Department of Chemistry's C.A. Buehler and Malaven-Rhenium scholarships!

  • BL was named the Gleb Mamantov Associate Professor of Chemistry

June 2020

  • Congrats to Alicia, Justin, and Nick, their paper was just accepted for publication in Catalysis Science and Technology!

  • Chris has just accepted a position at LyondellBasell. Congrats Chris, we wish you all the best as you begin your career!

  • BJ Cawthon has joined the Long Group as a summer undergraduate researcher. Welcome BJ.


May 2020

  • Congrats to Morgan, Chris, Xinyi, and our collaboration with the Vogiatzis Group, our paper was just accepted for publication in Journal of Polymer Science!

  • Our paper in Catalysis Science and Technology (a collaboration with the Roy Group) was recently featured in the themed collection, "2020 Catalysis Science & Technology Hot Articles," which is a rolling collection of the hottest work published in this journal.

  • A collaboration between the Long Group and the Stein and Doxistakis Groups (UTK Chemical Engineering) was recently awarded funding from Eastman Chemical Co. Thank you Eastman for your support of our research.

April 2020

  • Nolan's paper in Polymer International was just named one of the the top downloaded papers of 2018-2019. Way to go Nolan!

March 2020

  • Congrats to Alicia and our collaborative team led by Prof. Tim Hanusa of Vanderbilt University! Our collaborative paper was just published in the journal Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed.


January 2020

  • Congrats to Curtis and our collaborative team that was led by Prof Sharani Roy and the Roy Group! Our collaborative paper was just accepted for publication in the journal Catalysis Science and Technology.


December 2019

  • Lauren's paper in Polymers is highlighted as one of the best papers of 2017/2018 by a recent editorial titled "Trends in Polymers 2017/2018: Polymer Synthesis." You can read this editorial and find out more about Lauren's work here.

  • Chris successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congrats to Dr. Maroon!​


October 2019

  • Congrats to Chris, Morgan, and our collaborative team that includes the Vogiatzis Group and Aramco Services! Our collaborative paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of Membrane Science.

  • Chris won 1st prize at the Eastman-NETS ACS Student Research Symposium poster competition. Congrats!

  • Check out this highlight article describing the STEM Scouts camp led by Long Group undergraduate researcher and Eagle Scout, Nick Legaux. Great work Nick! Link  


September 2019

  • Congrats to Morgan and our Virginia Tech collaborators, Prof. Johan Foster and Keith Hendren! Our collaborative paper on cellulose reinforced polynorbornenes was accepted for publication in Polymer Chemistry, and will be published in the 2020 Polymer Chemistry Emerging Investigators collection.

  • BL gave an invited talk at the 2019 Advances in Polyolefins Conference in Rohnert Park, CA. His talk on redox-active olefin polymerization catalysts.  

  • BL presented a poster at the 2019 DOE Separation Science Program Meeting describing recent advances the group has made toward the development of advanced polynorbornene-based gas separation membranes. 


August 2019

  • Congrats to Chris who was named a finalist for the 2019 DSM Science and Technology Award, and for an awesome presentation at the National ACS Meeting in San Diego, CA.

  • The Long Group was recognized by the University of Tennessee's Research Foundation in the August 2019 Inventors Spotlight. Check out the full story here. Thank you so much to my group for their hard work and creativity.

  • The Long Group had our annual retreat and boat party!! Check out the video of Justin and Chris jumping off the cliffs in our gallery.

  • Chris Love (NSF-REU student from Univ of Texas at Austin) presented his final REU seminar to the department. Thanks for joining our lab this summer. We wish you all the best as you head back to Texas.​


July 2019

  • Several Long Group members attended the 2019 Southeast Polymer Forum in Oak Ridge, TN. BL presented a talk on polynorbornene-based gas separation membranes.​

  • Morgan successfully defended her Masters Thesis. Congrats Morgan!​

  • BL gave an invited lecture on polyolefin synthesis to the Univ. of Oregon's MIIP-Polymer Track program. 

June 2019

  • BL attended the 2019 Polymers Gordon Research Conference in South Hadley, MA. 

May 2019

  • BL presented an invited talk at the 2019 North American Membrane Society Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. 

April 2019

  • BL presented an invited talk at the 2019 American Chemical Society Meeting in Orlando, FL. 

  • Long Group members take home four departmental awards at the 2019 UTK Department of Chemistry Honors Day Banquet. Nick won a Department of Chemistry Undergraduate Scholarship, Chris won the Burchfield Burridge Warner Fellowship in Polymer Chemistry, Jordan won the George L. Sivils Graduate Student Award, and BL received the T. Ffrancon Williams Professorship. So proud of you all. 

  • Jordan has just accepted a position at UES, Inc. Congrats Jordan, we wish you all the best as you begin your career!

March 2019

  • Jordan successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congrats Dr. Kaiser!​

  • Congratulations to Chris for being selected as one of four finalists for the DSM Science & Technology Award 2019 (in partnership with the ACS POLY division). As part of the competition, Chris will present his research at the Fall 2019 ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA, during a dedicated award symposium.​

  • Our collaborative proposal with Prof. Michael Best was selected for funding through UTK's 2019 Bio Medical Research Seed Program.

  • Check out the new Long Research Group website at

February 2019

  • Congratulations to Chris and our collaborative team led by Prof. AJ Boydston (U. of Wisconsin), our paper was just accepted for publication at Angewandte Chemie.

January 2019

  • Chris’ article titled “Elimination of CO2/N2 Langmuir Sorption and Promotion of “N2‑Phobicity” within High‑Tg Glassy Membranes” was accepted for publication in Macromolecules!

December 2018

  • Jordan has received UTK’s 2019 College of Arts & Sciences Dissertation Fellowship. Congrats!!

November 2018

  • Trevor Wilson and Cameron Workman have joined the Long Research Group as first year grad students.

October 2018

  • BL’s CHEM 490 class dressed up for Halloween. Thank you for making learning more fun.

  • The Long Group has been selected for funding by Eastman Chemical Company to study cellulosic membranes. Thank you to Eastman for their generous support.

  • Our NSF MRI grant proposal, which was led by Prof. Andreas Nebenfuhr (UTK, BCMB), was selected for funding by the NSF. This grant will support the acquisition of a new TEM for biological and polymeric soft materials characterization. Thank you to Prof. Nebenfuhr for leading this effort and for allowing the Long Group to contribute to the proposal. Thank you to the NSF for their generous support.

  • Jordan’s highlight article titled “Polar Comonomer Incorporation using Cationic Ni α-Diimine Olefin Polymerization Catalysts” was accepted for publication in Science China Chemistry!


September 2018

  • Nolan has accepted a position at Bostik. Congrats!!

  • Jordan’s recent research paper in Polymer Chemistry was highlighted by Advances in Engineering.

  • Congrats to our collaborative biomass conversion team. Our paper was accepted for publication in Biotechnology for Biofuels!!


August 2018

  • Our NSF MRI grant proposal, which was led by Prof. Gila Stein (UTK, Chem. Eng.), was selected for funding by the NSF. This grant will support the acquisition of a multi-mode X-ray scattering system for polymer characterization. Thank you to Prof. Stein for leading this effort and for allowing the Long Group to contribute to the proposal. Thank you to the NSF for their generous support.

  • Nolan’s article titled “Recent Advances in Thermally Robust, Late Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin Polymerization” was accepted for publication in Polymer International!

  • BL has officially been promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure!!! Thank you to all of the current and past Long Group members who’s long hours, dedication, and hard work made this possible. Thank you!


July 2018

  • Congratulations to Nolan for successfully defending his dissertation!!

  • A collaborative grant proposal between the Long Group and Prof. Gila Stein (UTK, Chem. Eng.) was selected for funding by the ACS Petroleum Research Fund.


June 2018

  • Jordan’s article on recent advances in reox-active olefin polymerization catalysts was just accepted for publication in Coordination Chemistry Reviews!

  • BL attended to 2018 North American Membrane Society meeting in Lexington, KY.

  • BL attended the 2018 Southeast Polymer forum hosted by Georgia Tech.


May 2018

  • Jordan wins the 2018 East Tennessee ACS Award in chemistry.

March 2018

  • Chris presented a talk at the Spring 2018 ACS National Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

  • Jordan presented a talk at the Spring 2018 ACS National Meeting in New Orleans, LA. This was part of the ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research symposium.

  • Jordan presented a Sci-Mix poster at the Spring 2018 ACS National Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

  • BL presented a talk at the Spring 2018 ACS National Meeting in New Orleans, LA. This talk was part of an awards symposium honoring Prof. C. Grant Willson.


February 2018

  • BL presented a seminar at Vanderbilt University. Thank you to Prof. Tim Hanusa for the invitation.

  • BL attended the DOE separations program meeting in Gaithersburg MD.


January 2018

  • Lauren, Curtis, Nolan, and Kevin’s article on high temperature living olefin polymerization was just published in Polymers!

  • BL presented a seminar at Wright State University. Thank you to Prof. Eric Fossum for the invitation.


December 2017

  • Congratulations to Curtis who has officially received his PhD. Congrats!

November 2017

  • Congratulations to Jordan and Curtis, their manuscript was accepted for publication in Polymer Chemistry!!

  • Congrats to our collaborative gas separation membrane team. Our paper was accepted for publication in Advanced Sustainable Systems!!

  • BL presented a research talk at the 2017 SERMACS meeting in Charlotte, NC. Thank you to Greg Liu (VT) and Wei You (UNC) for the invitation to present!


October 2017

  • Curtis successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congrats Dr. Anderson!

  • BL presented a research seminar to Appalachian State University. Thank you to Prof. Michael Ramey for the invitation.

  • BL presented a research seminar to Union University. Thank you to Prof. Randy Johnston for the invitation.

  • BL presented a research seminar to the University of Tennessee’s Department of Chemistry.


September 2017

  • Congratulations to Nolan and Curtis, their manuscript was accepted for publication in the Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry.


August 2017

  • The Long Research Group’s proposal to the Department of Energy – Early Career Research Program has been recommended for funding!!! We are grateful for this generous financial support.

June 2017

  • Congratulations to Lauren and Graham (Kilbey Group), their collaborative manuscript was accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

  • Congrats to Kevin, Chris, and our collaborators Dr. Yuri Yampolskii (TIPS-RAS) and Dr. Nikolay Belov (TIPS-RAS). Our paper was accepted for publication in European Polymer Journal.

  • Congrats to Lauren and our collaborators at Texas Tech University. Our paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of Polymer Science, Part A.

  • BL presented a talk at the 2017 Southeast Polymer Forum hosted by Virginia Tech.

  • Megan Niesala has joined the Long group as part of our NSF funded summer REU program.

  • Puxin Xuanyuan has joined the lab as a visiting high school researcher for the summer.

May 2017

  • BL presented a seminar at the University of Science and Technology China (USTC) in Hefei, Anhui, China. Thank you to Prof. Changle Chen for the invitation and hospitality.

  • BL presented a seminar at Donghua University in Shanghai, China. Thank you to Prof. Zhengguo Cai for the invitation and hospitality.

  • Kevin and Lauren received their PhD’s. CONGRATS to you both!!!!!


April 2017

  • Congrats to Kevin and our collaborative gas separation membrane team. Our paper was accepted for publication in the journal Polymer Chemistry.

  • Congrats to Curtis, Sang, Lauren, and Jordan. Our paper was accepted for publication in the journal Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. Thank you to Profs. Paula Diaconescu and Jeffrey Byers for asking us to contribute to this themed issue.

  • BL presented a seminar at the University of Alabama. Thank you to Prof. Kevin Shaughnessy for the invitation and hospitality.

  • BL presented a seminar at West Virginia University. Thank you to Prof. Brian Popp for the invitation and hospitality.


March 2017

  • BL presented a seminar at Virginia Tech. Thank you to Profs. Tim Long and John Matson for the invitation and hospitality.

  • BL presented two talks at the ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, CA.

February 2017

  • Congrats to our collaborative gas separation membrane team. Our paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of Membrane Science.

  • BL presented a seminar at the University of Maryland. Thank you to Prof. Larry Sita for the invitation and hospitality.

  • BL presented a seminar at Louisiana State University. Thank you to Profs. Donghui Zhang and John Pojman for the invitation and hospitality.

January 2017

  • BL presented a seminar at Carnegie Mellon University. Thank you to Prof. Kevin Noonan for the invitation and hospitality.

  • The Long group has received funding from the University of Tennessee’s SMaRT Center.


November 2016

  • Alicia Doerr and Morgan Higgins have both joined the Long Group as a graduate students. Congrats and welcome.

  • BL presented a research seminar at the Xavier University of Louisiana. Thank you to the Xavier faculty for this opportunity and for their hospitality.

  • BL presented a research seminar at Georgia Tech in honor of his former graduate Advisor, Prof C. Grant Willson. Prof. Willson was named the recipient of the 2016 Monie A. Ferst Award. Thank you to the Georgia Tech, and specifically Prof. Paul Kohl, for this opportunity and for their hospitality.


October 2016

  • BL presented a research seminar at the University of Cincinnati. Thank you to the Cincy faculty for this opportunity and for their hospitality.

  • BL presented a research seminar at the Texas Tech University. Thank you to the TTU faculty for this opportunity and for their hospitality.


September 2016

  • BL presented a research seminar at the University of Southern Mississippi. Thank you to the Southern Miss faculty for this opportunity and for their hospitality.


August 2016

  • Congratulations to Curtis, his manuscript was accepted for publication in ACS Macro Lett!!


July 2016

  • Congratulations to Costyl and our collaborative team, their manuscript was accepted for publication in Chemistry – A European Journal!!

  • Congratulations to Kevin and Chris, their manuscript was accepted for publication in ACS Macro Lett!!

  • BL presented at the Organometallics Gordon Research Conference


May 2016

  • Congratulations to Lauren and Graham (Kilbey Group), their collaborative manuscript was accepted for publication in ACS Macro Lett!!

  • BL presented an invited talk at the CERMACS regional ACS meeting. Thank you to Prof. Psaras McGrier for the invitation to speak.


April 2016

  • BL presented a seminar at ExxonMobil in Baytown, TX. Thank you to ExxonMobil and to Dr. Carlos Lopez-Barron for hosting my visit.

  • BL presented a seminar at Dow Chemical in Collegeville, PA. Thank you to Dow and to Dr. Andrew Hughes for hosting my visit.


March 2016

  • BL’s manuscript was accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie!!

  • BL presented a seminar at Dow Chemical in Freeport, TX. Thank you to Dow and to Dr. William Heath for hosting my visit.

  • Lauren, Nolan, Kevin, and Curtis all presented their research at the ACS national Meeting in San Diego California. Great work guys!!!

February 2016

  • BL presented a seminar at the University of Washington. Thank you to UW and to Prof. A.J. Boydston for hosting my visit.


January 2016

  • Congratulations to Curtis and Jenn, their manuscript was accepted for publication in JACS!!

December 2015

  • Christopher Maroon has joined the Long Group as a graduate student.

  • Congratulations to Lauren Brown for being awarded the ACS Women Chemists Committee Travel Award sponsored by Eli Lilly & Company!!! As part of this award, Lauren will present her research at the Spring 2016 ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA. Congrats again!


September 2015

  • Congratulations to Kevin and Matthew (UT undergrad), their manuscript was just accepted for publication in the Journal of Polymer Science Part A!!

  • Congratulations to Lauren and Jenn, their manuscript was just accepted for publication in the journal ACS Catalysis!!

  • Congratulations to Kevin, Eunice, and everyone in the gas-separation membrane collaboration, their manuscript was just accepted for publication in the journal ChemSusChem!!


June 2015

  • BL presented Long group research at the Polymers Gordon Research Conference.


May 2015

  • Congratulations to Costyl who just accepted a job at Sigma-Aldrich. Congrats!!
    Brendan Phillips has joined the Long group as an REU student this summer.
    Congratulations to Kaitlyn and Matt who both graduated from UT. Congrats!!


April 2015

  • Congratulations to Matthew Cameron who won first place in the Physical Sciences division (College of Arts & Sciences) of the 2015 UTK EUReCA undergraduate poster competition. Congrats!!

  • Kaitlyn Wray and Matthew Cameron competed in the 2015 UTK EUReCA undergraduate poster competition.

  • BL presented a seminar at the University of Kentucky. Thanks to Prof. Susan Odom for the invitation and for hosting the visit.

  • BL received the Ffrancon Williams Endowed Faculty Award. Thank you to everyone who supported me for this recognition.


March 2015

  • Congratulations to Nolan Mitchell and Curtis Anderson for passing their candidacy exams.

  • BL presented a talk at the ACS National Meeting in Denver, Colorado. This talk was part of an awards symposium in honor of Geoff Coates. Thanks to Geoff and Will Dichtel for their invitation to speak.

  • Costyl presented a talk at the ACS National Meeting in Denver, Colorado.

February 2015

  • Congratulations to Eunice Hong for passing her candidacy exam.

  • BL and Kevin Gmernicki presented a seminar at Xavier University of Louisianna. Thanks to Prof. Candace Lawrence for the invitation and for hosting the visit.


January 2015

  • The Long group’s renewal proposal to the UT Science Alliance’s JDRD program was selected for funding. This research will be conducted in collaboration with a team of Oak Ridge National Lab researchers led by Dr. Tomonori Saito. We are grateful for this generous financial support, and for the opportunity to collaborate with ORNL scientists.

  • Congratulations to Costyl and Jenn, their manuscript was accepted for publication in The Journal of Organic Chemistry!!

  • Sang Park has joined the Long group as an undergraduate researcher.


November 2014

  • The Long Group has received a grant from UT’s Scholarly and Research Incentives Fund (SARIF), Equipment and Infrastructure Fund to acquire a new high-temperature GPC instrument. We are grateful for this generous financial support.

  • BL presented a seminar at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Center for Nanophase Materials Science (CNMS). Thanks to Dr. Kunlun Hong and Dr. Bradley Lokitz for the invitation and for hosting the visit.


October 2014

  • BL presented a seminar at The University of Memphis. Thanks to the Univ. of Memphis faculty for the invitation and for hosting the visit.

September 2014

  • BL presented a seminar at Appalachian State University. Thanks to the App. State faculty for the invitation and for hosting the visit.

  • BL presented a webinar to Colorado College. Thanks to Prof. Chelsea Martinez for the invitation and for hosting the visit.


August 2014

  • Matthew Cameron has joined the Long group as an undergraduate researcher

July 2014

  • Congratulations to Jennifer, she has accepted an offer at the University of Texas at Arlington and will begin teaching this fall. We wish her the best of luck!

June 2014


May 2014

  • Christopher Maroon has joined the Long Group as an undergraduate researcher under the NSF-REU program.


March 2014

  • The Kilbey and Long group’s collaborative proposal to the Army Research Office (ARO) STIR Program has been recommended for funding. We are grateful for this generous financial support.

  • The Long group’s proposal to the Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Program has been recommended for funding. We are grateful for this generous financial support..


February 2014

  • The Long group’s proposal to the Army Research Office (ARO) Conferences and Symposia program has been recommended for funding. This grant will support the speakers of the “Advances in Olefin Polymerization Catalysis” symposium that will be held at the Spring 2014 ACS National Meeting in Dallas TX. We are grateful for this generous financial support.

  • Kaitlyn Wray has joined the Long group as an undergraduate researcher

January 2014

  • The Long group’s proposal to the UT Science Alliance’s JDRD program was selected for funding. This research will be conducting in collaboration with a team of Oak Ridge National Lab researchers led by Dr. Tomonori Saito. We are grateful for this generous financial support, and for the opportunity to collaborate with ORNL scientists.

December 2013

  • Eunice Hong, Curtis Anderson, and Nolan Mitchell Gmernicki have joined the Long Group as graduate students.

  • The Long group has received a grant from Oak Ridge Associated Universities’ (ORAU) JDRD program. We are grateful for this generous financial support.

November 2013

  • BL presented a seminar at Tulane University. Thanks to Prof. Scott Grayson for the invitation and for hosting the visit.


October 2013

  • Brian presented a seminar at Clemson University. Thanks to Prof. Andy Tennyson for the invitation and for hosting the visit.

  • Brian Presented at the Advances in Polyolefins Conference in Santa Rosa California

  • Congratulations to Jenn and Lauren! Their manuscript was accepted for publication in JACS.

August 2013

  • Congratulations to Zach who just accepted a position at AMRI as a research scientist.

  • Kenny Goodman has joined the Long lab as an undergraduate researcher.


July 2013

  • Congratulations to Zach for passing his thesis defense!


June 2013

  • Haley Chenot has joined the Long lab as a visiting student from Farragut High School.


May 2013

  • Dr. Costyl Njiojob has joined the Long Group as a postdoctoral researcher.

  • The organic chemistry videos created as part of Brian’s Chem 350 class, were highlighted by the Tenn TLC team on their website. Read more


April 2013

  • Brian and Jenn recently attended the 245th ACS National Meeting in New Orleans, LA where Jenn presented her latest research on polyolefin catalyst development.


March 2013

  • Congratulations to Chris Bulino for passing his candidacy exam.


February 2013

  • Professor Long participated in the Advances in Materials and Processes for Polymeric Membrane Mediated Water Purification in Pacific Grove, CA


January 2013

  • Professor Long attended the 2013 ACS Leadership Institute in Dallas, TX.


December 2012

  • Lauren Brown and Kevin Gmernicki have joined the Long Group as graduate students.


November 2012


October 2012


May 2012

  • Michael Hyatt has joined the Long group as a visiting summer undergraduate researcher.


May 2012

  • Dr. Jennifer Rhinehart has joined the Long group as a postdoctoral researcher.


March 2012

  • The Long group has received a grant from the Army Research Office (ARO) through the STIR program. We are grateful for this generous financial support.


January 2012

  • Andrew Blanton has joined the Long group as an undergraduate researcher.


December 2011

  • Chris Bulino and Zach Sprigler have joined Long Group as graduate students.


November 2011

  • Prof. Long presented at the SERMACS meeting in Richmond, VA

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